About this course
Fraud Examiners
When disaster strikes, countries are often quick to pledge and raise massive sums to support the world's most vulnerable regions. International aid can be directed by well-known NGOs that can use funds with little transparency while operating in areas with rampant corruption. Chris Mines is joined by Marc Tassé, CPA, CA (Canada), FCPA (USA), CICA (USA), CFF (USA). They discuss the need for greater oversight, the dangers of aid mismanagement and inaccurate data, and how NGOs can suffer from performance anxiety. Some of the topics covered in this course include: The current level of transparency within international aid The need to prevent aid misappropriation and inflated reports Highlighting the role of auditors to develop robust performance indicators Why governments and NGOs need to publish accurate spending data An outlook for the future and more! Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge
This course includes:
schedule1.5 hours on-demand video
signal_cellular_altBeginner level
task_altNo preparation required
calendar_todayPublished At Dec 14, 2022
workspace_premiumCertificate of completion
errorNo prerequisites
lock1 year access
calendar_todayUpdated At Jul 27, 2024